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Extremely excited and proud to present you our very first single called "Sorries"!!! 

We've been working on this with an extremely incredible team of lovely people! Big thanks to:

πŸŽ₯ Video
Cast: Manuel Quero, (who's been very inspiring during the whole shoot and without whom it just wouldn't have been the same! β€ ) 
Monique Kleen, Nouka van Bremen
Directed by Jonathan Sipkema - chef de la cuisine πŸ‘Œ

🎢 Audio
Produced by Jurriaan JJ Sielcken and Iwen Legro at Twang Wolf Recording Studio
Mastered by Wessel Oltheten
Label: Sound Unbound

Special thanks to Vienne Sloof for fixing the video locations etc. en Gisela Schlotmann and Manuel Quero for the beautiful costume designs! β€ πŸ™Œ

Pre-order your vinyl or digital download here ! Or come and get your own copy at our release concert on 15 march at Poppodium Metropool, Enschede! - Tickets here